Wednesday, July 23, 2014

"What tumbling cloud did you cleave, Yellow-eyed hawk of the mind, ..." ~ William Butler Yeats

By the time we had returned home from Florida, we had been gone a little over two weeks. When I opened the door to our deck for the first time since we were back, I could tell that our summer hawks had returned in our absence! The raucous screeching was quite something! To-date, I have only seen them at a distance, with the closest being our next-door-neighbor's yard.

I believe that the three pictured below are juveniles - and it was a treat to see all three at the same time!

I hope to get some closer (sharper) photos in the future. I'll keep you posted!


  1. Wow, who would have guessed they'd return each year, and that we would be so fortunate to bear witness through your blog?! Their markings are so handsome. Loving your photos!

  2. They are GORGEOUS!! What wild beauties you've captured. :-)

    1. Thanks Kristen. Having them right here might lead you to believe that we live in a forest. In fact we live in a regular neighborhood,which makes their presence even more wonderful!
