Wednesday, July 9, 2014

"True life is lived when tiny changes occur." ~ Leo Tolstoy

Our first renovation! (and I do mean the doormat!)

We have been in Florida for about a week now, and what a busy week it has been! We have looked at cabinets; tiles; countertops; refrigerators, etc. for our recently purchased condo. Different brands, different stores - all expensive! Yikes! Our dreams have been tempered by our realities, and we have some decisions to make. Make no mistake however, we know that we are very fortunate to be faced with such a dilemma!

In the meantime, we are getting to know the area a little better, and enjoying it even more! The weather has been quite turbulent - blue skies one moment and thunder and lightning the next. It seems that this will be the case for the remainder of the time we are here (another week maybe?). Summer storms roll in off of the ocean so quickly that we are easily caught off guard. They are quite spectacular!

I hope that by Saturday's post I will have something more concrete to share in terms of renovation plans - in the meantime, the doormat will have to suffice!


  1. Love your first renovation :) Looking forward to hear more of your renovation plans!

    PS: I've just come across this article: and thought you will find it interesting since you are in Florida. Have a great time!

    1. Thanks Nancy, and thanks for the link! I have ever heard of this and it looks absolutely fascinating! A future post I think!

  2. Anxiously staying tuned for renovation updates!! Love the weather report, too!

    1. Every day has been filled with more and more choices; each more expensive than the last. We will get there though!

  3. I like your new doormat and the quote is a good one to keep in mind as you plan your renovations. I will look forward to your updates!

    1. Thank you Carolyn! We are closer to decisions every day!
