Saturday, May 11, 2013

"The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another. The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month." ~ Henry Van Dyke

Spring has come to Central New York!


  1. Wow! Great photography! The Magnolias are magnificent. When I was a kid, Forsythia was among my least liked plants, but in recent years I've decided they're a welcome burst of color after our long winters!

    1. Thanks! Our tree out front seems to have blossomed overnight - it's so beautiful!

  2. These pictures are so beautiful! They breathe Spring...

    Oh, you have a magnolia tree in front of your house!

    1. Actually, the magnolia tree is in my neighborhood. The tree in my front yard (crab apple I think) bloomed after I had taken these photos. Believe it or not we had snow today - but not enough to knock off blooms and buds. We had a string of glorious days!

  3. ohhhhh...such beauty you are sourrounded by!!
    i bet it smells good too : )
