Saturday, September 20, 2014

"Patience is the art of concealing your impatience." ~ Guy Kawasak

Another short post, with a few updated shots of the condo. I realize that things still look a total mess, but it really is coming together. This evening we will finish the painting, with the exception of the woodwork that will be installed once we head home. We have painted every paintable inch of this place and we are tired of it! Tomorrow we will do the woodwork, but it is just long pieces of unattached wood, and we hope that we will make fairly short order of it. There have been some kind of funny painting stories, and some not so funny ones - like the gallon of ceiling paint that tipped over in the trunk of my car this morning. Yes - a disaster, but not the end of the world (I seem to remember using that phrase not too long ago with my new stove mishap - I hope this doesn't become a habit!)

We plan to head back to NY on Tuesday, and what is done is done - with a few things to be completed in our absence. By Friday, we will be in Vermont for a family weekend. From southern Florida to northern Vermont in a matter of days - I'm going to need a serious nap by the time we are done!

So - here are a few photos. I do promise a more comprehensive and knowledgeable post down the road - for now please excuse the mishmash!

Kitchen hardware - I like it very much - sleek and simple.

My mini escape from painting and a condo full of men - I couldn't take it any longer!

Notice the paint atop Bruce's head - we have both had enough!

Apricot Mousse - the color for the bedroom - not a great depiction of the actual color!
Wish us safe travels!

1 comment:

  1. Safe travels, indeed! living in another whirlwind, but one full of beauty and family - hard to beat. Although, that photo of the beach as your "man-escape" looks pretty good, too!
