Wednesday, October 7, 2015

"You know somehow in a tactile way, this is a well-made thing." ~ Anthony Bourdain, Episode Five - Raw Craft

Two books that had belonged to my Great-Grandfather Young.
It seems that no sooner had I blogged about Episode Four of Raw Craft with Anthony Bourdain, than Episode Five was published! 

Having grown up in a book-loving, book-reading, book-coveting, book-toting household, I love nothing more than the heft of a book in my hands. I have read books on my i-pad, and I won't say that it is a bad experience - sometimes the speed at which I can get something that I'm dying to read right away is fabulous. However - I will always prefer to curl up on the couch, by the fire, under my bed-covers - with a book. Episode Five of Raw Craft reminds me of why!

1 comment:

  1. I hope I'm able to access this show in Australia one day. It sounds so amazing. :-)
