Sunday, January 27, 2019

“The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

It’s not always blue sky and sunshine in Florida. We are getting some much needed rain, and I’m not minding it at all.

For whatever reason, I was awake well before dawn this morning, and decided to sort through all of my “saved” items on Facebook. We are talking 100’s of “saves” over the last few years.

It was really interesting, and telling, to see what I have saved to look at, or look at again. I can break it down into some general categories:

  • Reading/Watching
  • Nature
  • Cooking/Baking
  • Crafting/Creating
  • Aging/Health/Stress
  • Relationships/Friendship
  • Downsizing/Simplifying 
  • Music
  • Travel
  • Science/Medicine 
  • Global/Social Justice Issues

I deleted about 90% of them. Really, how many recipes for English Muffins, or articles on downsizing can one read? I’ve saved about 50 or so that I now plan to go back and revisit. It’s going to rain all day!


  1. It's like you were cleaning your digital closet! Rainy days are good for cleaning out closets.

    1. I was thinking of it as “Going Marie Kondo” !
