Well - I'm in Florida! Bruce and I agreed that since we now have the condo, we should take advantage of it! This is the only window that I saw as doable for me, so I started down on Monday and arrived safely on Wednesday. Bruce helped me plot out my route, and I did not encounter any trouble whatsoever. He will join me in a bit and we will drive back north together in a few weeks. I have fun-time planned with my knitting friends, and I am really enjoying the freedom of doing as I please, without any household tasks facing me. I have books, knitting projects, and the HGTV schedule to keep me out of trouble. Additionally, I hope to spend time really learning my new camera.
Of course, I arrived to sudden predictions of a hurricane, but as I write this, it seems as though it will remain a tropical storm, and not hit directly where I am. Monday through Tuesday seem to be the key days at this point - I have water and canned food in the event that I lose power, but it does seem that it will not be as bad as it could have been. It's fair to say however, that the weather each afternoon has been very turbulent. I remember this from when we were here at this time last year to do renovations.
I headed to the beach this morning (in order to avoid the once again forecast afternoon storms). I had hoped to get some shots of wild waves (I went at high tide and given the afternoon storms, I thought I might catch some), but found the water very calm and tranquil. I have posted shots of this spot many times in the past, but I am shooting and sharing it again!